Al-Saleh Mosque in Sanaa, Yemen

The Saleh Mosque is a famous Mosque in the world. Mosque is the modern architecture in the world the Saleh Mosque of example for that. The Saleh Mosque or Al Saleh Mosque is the largest and most modern mosque in Sanaa, Yemen. It lies are the southern outskirts of the city, south of the Al Sabeen Maternal Hospital. Inaugurated in November 2008 by Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, it is named in his honor. Open to non-Muslims, the mosque is frequented by tourists and promotes moderate Islam. Security measures include police and bomb-sniffing dogs.
Al-Saleh Mosque
The Saleh Mosque or Al Saleh Mosque is the largest and most modern mosque in Sanaa, Yemen. It lies are the southern outskirts of the city, south of the Al Sabeen Maternal Hospital.
Approximately 44,000 people can say their prayers at a time in this mosque. It is the largest capacity mosque in the Yemen.
Architectural description and Specifications
The mosque was constructed using different types of stone, including black basalt stones as well as limestone in red, white and black. The building is compared in its beauty and architectural elegance with the Masjid al-Haram, in Mecca. It was built in a fusion of "Yemeni architecture and Islamic styles", with many Quranic verses inscribed on the walls. The layout is referred to as "Himyarite architecture".
Area The mosque, 27,300 square meters (294,000 sq. ft.) in size, has a central hall which is 13,596 square meters (146,350 sq. ft.) with an occupancy capacity of 44,000.
The building has wooden roofs and seven ornate domes. There are five domes in the main roof, the main dome measuring 27.4 metres (90 ft) in diameter with a height of 39.6 metres (130 ft) above the mosque's roof. The other four domes measure 15.6 metres (51 ft) with the height of 20.35 metres (66.8 ft) above the roof level of the mosque.
Windows Doors fitted with stained glass are locally referred to as qomariyah. Of the fifteen wooden doors, ten of them are situated on the eastern and western sides, and five open the south towards the Islamic college and ablution areas. The doors are 22.86 meters (75.0 ft.) in height and include engraved copper patterns.
Minarets It has six minarets. Four of the six minarets are 160 meters (520 ft) in height.
Al-Saleh Mosque YemenExterior design
The mosque has a modern central air conditioning and sound systems, as well as full security arrangements, including bomb-sniffing dogs. The building stays lit through the night. Thorn Lighting International, through its distributor Al Zaghir, was the lighting contractor. Diah International served as the subcontractor for civil and mechanical engineering; Sodaco Engineering & Contracting also provided services in the building's construction.


Interior design
The interior space is 24 meters (79 ft) from floor to ceiling. While the plush carpeting contains intricate patterns, huge chandeliers have colorful and flower-like patterns. The three-storied building which includes the Quran College also contains libraries and over two dozen classrooms, enough space to accommodate 600 students. Three large rooms are specifically for women; a small hall can accommodate 2,000 women.
Architectural style: Yemeni architectural style or Himyaritic architecture Construction cost: 60 million US dollars
Affiliation: Affiliation is the Islam.
Materials: Reinforced Cement Concrete with local materials

As people of all religions can visit the mosque tourists are present in large numbers. The mosque also promotes moderate Islam to a large number of people, which is considered a positive feature in the light of the Al-Qaeda influence. Women pray in an enclosed area separated from the main central hall. The Saleh Mosque is the only Yemeni mosque where police and bomb-sniffing dogs are used for inspecting worshippers. Prayers are also broadcast over the national television network to reach a larger viewing audience.
Salah Mosque YemenJPG