At the end of the poll Hillary cast Trump

The latest US presidential election, an opinion poll ahead of the Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is coming forward.

Clinton cast the first poll since May last trump, and just one week before the vote.

ABC News / Washington Post poll, 46 percent of participants expressed support for Triumph, where support for Clinton's 45 percent.

Libareteriyana Green Party candidate Gary Johnson and Jill Stein 3 percent to two percent of the voters in favor of the verdict.

Almost all recent public opinion poll, Clinton was ahead of Trump. The last opinion poll of registered voters in May, ABC had two points ahead of the Trump.

According to The Washington Post, in an interview on Saturday and Sunday to take a 53 per cent vote in support unmukhadera trampake, where 45 per cent in favor of Clinton.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton e-mail with the stem FBI investigation began after the announcement of a new survey which has one of them.

Hillary Clinton (Photo: Reuters) Clinton (Photo: Reuters) US Secretary of State during his New York home, using his own personal server, Clinton had sent the e-mail. Failure to protect the confidentiality of the information in the context of the allegations against her, and for the past year with the federal investigation agency FBI to investigate.
In July this year, the FBI confirmed accusations against Clinton. The FBI director James Comey said the state secrets calacalite using private servers, Clinton has violated the rules. But it would not file a complaint against her, he said.

James Comey's senior lawmakers in Congress on Friday sent a letter to the e-meilakanda Clinton said a new investigation.

Clinton's popularity began to decline after that comes up in almost all public opinion polls.