Triump anti-violence protests in the United States

Donald Trump has continued to protest against the presidential election victory of the United States. The first day of the second day of the relatively peaceful demonstrations became violent protesters. They blocked the road and vandalized cars. At this time the protesters hurling stones. To suppress the protesters, police fired pepper and rubber balls. The second day of the protest was so violent that the police said it was a riot.

Triumph of the American media is inciting the protests. They have warned the protesters that he was not doing the right thing.

Tuesday's historic presidential election, Clinton won fewer votes in the Electoral College votes Trump. Trump won this belies the opinion jari peke. But many Americans can not accept his victory. They came down the streets.

The next elections in the country on Wednesday night to win at least 5 major cities to protest Trump is unprecedented protests. Thousands of people took part in it. Consequently, protests were also held Thursday night in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Denver, minepolisa, such as the California cities of Oakland and scattered protests trampabirodhi. The demonstrators gathered in front of the Trump Tower in Chicago and New York yesterday. Protests are planned next weekend.

Trump had set up the campaign against the domination of white immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, gays and black people. Before the election, the United States, immigrants, Muslims, LGBT activists and a large part of the black Triumph speech "racist" and "patriarchal" he said. Their fear, anger after taking office, the newly elected American president, they can read. As a result, reports on Tuesday night after winning the election trump protests broke out in several cities in the United States. In different places, "Not My President", "Time to ribholta ',' fascist trump ',' racist resijama ',' No Trump" placards, etc., in the hands of demonstrators protested.

According to AFP, on Thursday in Baltimore about 3 hundred people have protested. They are "not our president!" He chanted. Signs that were in their hands. One read, "Woe to the person we have not elected president. Chicago, Denver, dalasasaha has been demonstrated in various places. Kalila pillows (1) A student told the Baltimore Sun newspaper, "We're the only show that is going to happen in the next four years. Resistance will continue for four years. "He said he trampabirodhi Facebook campaign. Its purpose is to encourage thousands of people protest trampabirodhi.

Earlier during the day on Thursday, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other major cities to protest. Most of the protesters were students. They took part in the protest with the exception of schools and colleges.

San Francisco City Hall with about one thousand students marched toward it. Most of them were high school students. They are slogans, 'You can not our president! ". They blocked the road. There were placards in their hands. Some of it was written, 'Triumph Against Trans "and" Build America safe for everyone. " Pamela Campos (18) San Francisco kronikalake said, "We are protesting because we want to stand up for the rights of everyone."

He said, "Donald Trump is a racist. He is attacking immigrants and Muslims. Yesterday I saw my classmate crying. "

Nappa and students protested in several cities in northern California heioyardasaha. University of California Los Angeles, hundreds of students protested. They carried placards. It was written, "trampake throwing Fellow" and "Triumph of Love who hated them."

Daisy Rivera (4) Referring to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton said, "At first, I accepted to be elected. However, yesterday when I heard her say. I could not stop crying. "He said, 'I can not believe, we are like Trump racist, immigrant and naribidbesike have elected as president." Manhattan's Washington Square Park in New York about two hundred protesters gathered trampabirodhi. Maintain a large number of police have been deployed in the city.

Aregane Riot: On the contrary, the state of Oregon, Portland police and the hazardous nature of the crime, heated to the situation "chaos," said. The police department is doing on Twitter. Auckland Police, on Wednesday evening, a large group split into several smaller groups and started vandalizing several places. Thursday morning, the fire burned the place in California, about 40 staff. Create chaos, police officers harassed, accused of carrying firearms and illegal activities committed at least 9 people were arrested. Here are 4 thousand protesters took part.

Students protested. Berkeley High School Class of 1500 students came out on Wednesday. More than 1 out of primary school students in San Francisco are protested.

Triumph anucita demonstrations: 48 hours before the vote was taken, the end of the re-heated situation to take refuge in the trampake Twitter. Tweeted on Thursday local time, widespread protests across the country expressed frustration-frustration, he wrote, "As soon as the presidential elections are highly transparent and successful. Demonstrators have been protesting on the media provocation. Very improper!

While complaints against media bias in campaign repeatedly attacked the media for the first time since he was elected president. Triumph Triumph controversial Internet campaign to reduce the presence of his associates took control of the Twitter account, according to a report in The New York Times.

But about four years ago, protesters showed Trump different location. He was defeated by current President Barack Obama, Republican candidate Mitt Romney. The Trump was angry. At the time, Trump wrote on Twitter, "We can not afford to do so. The Washington marched in the streets against corruption should be. Our nation has been completely divided! "