Pakistan Worried for win Trump

Donald Trump after a surprise victory in the US presidential election in Pakistan is worried about the attack. The public thinks, after the conquest of Triumph arch-rivals India in American public policy in favor of that move. Pakistan's Express Tribune reported, citing analysts.

Although historically the friendship between Islamabad and Washington has accused the United States, Pakistan is sheltering terrorists. Pakistan has denied the allegations in the complaint, although the context of the bilateral relations has become more bitter. Last May, the Pakistani Taliban leader killed in US drone strike into the bottom of a lot of pinches.

At the same time this year, with arch-rivals India and Pakistan relations have deteriorated seriously. 18 September terrorist attacks in India-controlled Kashmir's Uri base 19 soldiers were killed in India after New Delhi accused Pakistan tuleche hand behind the attacks. The relationship between the two countries and the existing anti-Muslim statements when Donald Trump was elected president of Pakistan into one of the better to see the kind of discomfort is normal. Triumph Triumph anti-Muslim statements and trade relations with India, a Pakistani national, are due to the new US administration may be leaning more towards Delhi.

Hasan Askari Rizvi lahorabhittika foreign affairs analyst, said, "America will not throw Pakistan, then Pakistan will be hard to trump a president than Clinton. I think Pakistan than India Triumph relationship is much more comfortable to be. "

South Asia, Donald trampake details of the job that he still has to formulate policies; However, he has recently offered to mediate on the Kashmir issue. Last May, he told the US Fox News, Afghanistan, on behalf of the tens of thousands of troops to Afghanistan is next to a nuclear-armed Pakistan. A US diplomat said on Wednesday assured Pakistan partly, due to the conquest of the American trump any abrupt change in policy will not come. US Consul General Grace Shelton Karachi, said, "Our foreign policy has been formulated on the basis of national interests and the government will not change when they change."

This does not, however, assured the citizens of Pakistan. Sherry Rehman, a former Pakistani ambassador to the United States appointed senators and say, 'trump is the wild card. Pakistan's relations with the United States regardless of whether the strategy that should be protected. However, anti-Muslim speech trump an indefinite period of uncertainty in the relationship will be. "

India sees profits: Trump's real estate business with the traders of the partnership. How to overcome the history of the bilateral relations to create turmoil is not yet clear. Narendra Modi and Barack Obama during the US-India relations have improved. At the time, several defense agreements between the two countries. According to Indian diplomats, after the US presidential election in the first round of play in the geopolitical situation is quite favorable for India.

Triumph foreign policy in South Asia, the equation will change how much of it has been estimated in several countries yesterday. Triumph of the whole campaign was simultaneously attacked by China and Pakistan. Trump said Pakistan at first-hand the terror of publicity heaven. So far such a thing (Obama era), so it was definitely not accustomed to listen Pakistan. Osama bin Laden took refuge in Pakistan apologized for the attack, adding that Trump Pakistan. Muslim hostility, as well as indications grow at different times in his speech. In the meantime, however, sees some hope in Islamabad. Recently spoke to mediate between India and Pakistan over Kashmir Trump. Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Nafees Zakaria's statement, "The president won the elections after Donald Trump with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif spoke. We welcome the offer of mediation over Kashmir, said. "However, Hindu groups in India, Hindu militants' Triumph massive cheer after the conquest of the capital held a rally in New Delhi. Rasami hidden trampake to the leader of the group said, "He is the American nationalist. We are nationalists in India. He alone is able to understand us. When the terrorist attacks in India from Pakistan, we hope that he will support us. "Trump victory thrust of China's, New Delhi sees the benefit.

According to India's former foreign secretary kanoyala Sibbala, Russian President Vladimir Putin to New Delhi with the trump personal equation. He said Russia Trump ties in New Delhi for the new gift. The strategic relationship with Russia and the US to promote the government has to pay some price.